
Denica Yay
Sep 13, 2022

Sicily is ripe and rich
like a fig in late July,
as enchanting as a witch,
as eternal as the sky.

Her beauty lies in imperfections,
perfectly aligned;
in broken tiles;
in light reflections
of the sea in love’s deep eyes.

It’s the flair of the buildings.
Every terrace speaks in rhymes.
Every street is a beginning.
Every door is an invite.

Sicily is brisk and burning
as the tumult of the night.
It ignites the spark of yearning,
the pursuit of the divine.

Like a garden,
like a temple,
like street music on a square,
the soul of Sicily is gentle…
I long to breathe her salty air.



Denica Yay

If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, it will destroy you. Gospel of Thomas