The only happy end

Denica Yay
Jul 29, 2020

I’ll take the pain unanesthetized -
no sweet distractions for relief.
I won’t meet others to downsize
the sense of feeling incomplete.

I’ll take the pain wholeheartedly.
I’ll give it space. I’ll let it stay.
No crutch for love to help me flee
this dark and broken part of the play.

I’ll take the pain with full respect.
I’ll let it do its job with me.
No new love stories to reject
the void inside. I’m yet not free.

I’ll take the pain: Come be my guest!
I’ll treat you well. I’ll be a friend.
I know one day you’ll leave my chest
and that’s the only happy end.



Denica Yay

If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, it will destroy you. Gospel of Thomas